Evidence confirms that all cell phone or computer radiations harm you with possible genetic damages or cancers.
Use the Counter Waves to safeguard you. There are two types. One for cell phones and one for your computers.
Each Counter Wave symbol costs 115 USD or INR 5000 plus courier charge. You have many payment options.
You have 6 options to pay. By Indian Rupees through Moneygram, Western Union, Xoom, by Credit card, by net banking in INR, or by cah remittance in any branch of HDFC bank the full value of your order plus the courier fees.
To place your order, kindly furnish your particulars in the form below.
Radiation danger exists not only in Nuclear Bombs. It exists also in your Cell Phones and Computers. You constantly lose your health by exposure to computers, cell phones, and other electromagnetic appliances.
Once you wear it for a few days, it cancels the radiation danger that triggers reactions in your brain. To that extent you are no longer affected. Hence, it ensures a level of protection not available in any other product.
Cell Phone Radiation Dangers
Cell Phones Cause Incurable Diseases
Cell Phone Robs Your Vitality
Gadgets To Neutralize Cell Phone Radiation
Radiation Danger To Radiation Robs Your Life